Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Real estate honesty

The question of the day is would you rather have a real estate agent come in and tell you how nice your house looks and compliment you. Or would you rather have them come in and tell you what you need to do to make the house more presentable.

The reason why I say this is that somebody I was talking to was mad at their real estate agent. One of the reasons why was that she was upset he didn't come in and tell her how nice her house looked. She has a nice home but there is always something to make the house more presentable.

Unfortunately in our business people can pick and chose what they want to listen to when they sell their home. It is their right!. They don't have to do any of the things we say. I have told people things and they have done none of them. There house still sits. In this market you need to listen to the little things that might help sell your house.

Have you asked your realtor what you can do to help make your house more presentable? Take a pro-active approach. In this market making the house look good will help it a little. If it costs less than a $1000 to do it, I would take the time and money and get it done. This market is very tough to sell. You need to do everything you can to help sell your home.

In this Metro Detroit real estate market it is taking the right person, a lower price, and a nice home to sell. Buyers have so many to look at. They have the ability to pick and choose and do a low ball price. They don't need to buy your home when the guy down the street will sell it to them for $10,000 less. They don't need to buy your home when another home in the city is nicer even though "you think your sub is the best". It doesn't matter that you have $30,000 more into the house than the house is listed for. The market is low, if you want to sell you have to adjust your thinking.

Don't put your house on the market if you don't need to sell right now. You are going to take a lower price. Get it into your head. If you are going to move you need to make your home more presentable.

For more real estate and mortgage information go to my website www.russravary.com

May your worries be small and a good thing happen to you today.
Russ Ravary

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