Sunday, December 30, 2007

What will the New Year bring

I sometimes wonder what will the New Year bring? As a Realtor my income is never certain. Varying from month to month and sometimes dependent on the economy.
But one thing I know is that if you talk doom and gloom and do nothing, then you will get doom and gloom. Sure the economy is bad in Metro Detroit. But Metro Detroit Real estate is still selling. It is definitely selling slower and for less money, but people are still buying and still selling.
The trick is to get your piece of the pie. You have to shift focus, shift gears, work harder to make the same amount of money. You need to continue making the client happy, getting them what they want, when they want it, at that low price. It's harder. But it is easier that just talking doom and gloom and not getting it done.
I believe the same applies to all industries and jobs in Metro Detroit. You have to think differently, do things and jobs that you don't normally do to get the job done. We can roll over and quit. We may have to start over in a different field, or do two jobs. You can just complain how bad it is, or you can look at it and try to make money somehow.
Call your friends and tell them you need work. Work later or on the weekend. Take that lousy low paying job. The bottom line is that you and I need to survive through this economy. It can be done. People made it through the depression. We can do it now. By networking, cutting back, working smarter and harder we can make it a great year. A year that may be hard but a year that we enjoyed time with friends and family.
Remember that is why we work. To improve our quality of life. To enjoy it with family and friends. May next year be a safe, healthy, and prosperous year for you and your family.
Russ Ravary
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