Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Buying a home to keep

Buying a home to keep (edit/delete)
Over the years I have had people come to me and buy homes that I know that can't afford. I have asked them if they were sure they wanted to spend that kind of money.
There are many issues with this problem. If you as a buyer had a Realtor or mortgage person tell you that they think you are over buying... would you listen? As a Realtor many clients don't take our advice. Many people buy with emotion. We see over and over people buy homes we would never buy. And that is the point. We the Realtor are not going to live there you are. It is your choice to make, it's not our choice. We can subtly tell you that we think it is a bad idea. I can't tell you how many times clients have not listened to my advice. Many do listen, but there are many that never hear.
Buyers and sellers have what they want in their head and most times we can't sway them. Shoot... their parents can't tell them, their spouse can't change their mind. Do you think what we say, sways them?
But it is more important than ever to this generation of buyers, 2008 buyers, that they step back and figure out what they can afford to pay a month before they see a mortgage person or a real estate person. Better yet. If their house payment with taxes and insurance is going to be $2000 and they are paying $1000 a month in rent. Then they should try to live 6 -12 months putting the extra $1000 away. And not spending it for anything. That way they can find out if they can live comfortably with a $2000 payment. Plus they would have a nice down-payment or rainy day fund.
If you need more mortgage information or Michigan real estate information go to my website You can search thousand of Michigan Houses for sale free on my site without giving your name or any personal information.

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