Saturday, March 15, 2008

Home inspections

WHY SHOULD I DO A HOME INSPECTION? $300 is a lot of money
Never not do a home inspection!

When buying a Michigan home or any home you should hire an home inspector. Even if it is a brand new home you should probably have a second set of eyes look at it. Preferably it should be a certified home inspector, not Uncle Joe, or a friend of the family. A home inspector does inspecting day in and day out. They go to school and know the business. I am always amazed at the little things they notice. I always recommend to all buyers that they get a home inspection. The reason you do a home inspection is because the purchase of a home is the largest investment you make. You need to know the condition of the home and all the hidden things that you can not see.
A home inspector knows what to look for and has special tools to help find problems or items that need correcting. They have water meter that tells you how much water is in the walls or joists. Which help to identify if there has been a recent pipe burst. Potentially you could have a mold problem that you could not see. They have electrical testers to test plugs and circuits.

One inspector pointed out a basement wall that was curved in. Visually the buyer or I could not see it, but the inspector saw it right away. You should learn as much as you can about the condition of the property and the need for any major repairs before you complete the purchase, so that you can minimize surprises and large repair costs after you buy the house.
A home inspection also points out the good things about a house, as well as the maintenance that will be necessary to keep it in good shape. The inspector will walk around and tell you what you need to do in the future to keep the home in good repair. They usually give you a written inspection report that you can refer back to.
Hiring a Michigan home inspector is the best money you will spend. For more Michigan home buying tips, buying Michigan foreclosures go to my website Have a great day

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