Friday, February 9, 2007

Real estate and the internet consumer

Did you know that about 90% of the people now look at real estate on line at some point when they are searching for a new home. My company Remerica Hometown One has an excellent site to search listings. In fact last month it had over a 100,000 visitors. What is great about that is more of our customers listings are being viewed by these clients. The more traffic the more chance that somebody will see your house.

I thought My website was doing good just by being on the first page of MSN when you put in Livonia real estate, and on the second page of Google for Livonia real estate. I was pleased with getting over 5000 visitors last month to the website. Even my local partners page was getting over 300 hits a month. It is 300 more exposures for my clients business's. It is another chance that my client's listings might get seen and might generate interest. Somebody might fall in love with the house. Some of the listing have six or more pictures.

We all surf the Internet and many of us buy on line. So it is natural to view homes and choose homes that we want to see more of. So when you are choosing an agent, ask them about their presence on the web. Ask them about their companies website. More people will see their home on the Internet than in one of those home magazines or the slow moving tv home channel. Buyers have the ability to narrow their search, move at the spend they want, and look at pictures. So remember that when you are choosing an agent ask them about their websites.
Have a great weekend and stay warm. Russ Ravary

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