Monday, February 26, 2007

Saving money lost money for this home seller. So many people try to save money by turning down the heat in homes that they sell. You want the house to be comfortable for buyers. You want buyers to linger in the house. You want them to check everything out.
My clients and I were in a house so cold you were shivering and you could see your breath. We ran thru that house. It was off the list in a heart beat. Keep the thermostat turned up.
But the worst case scenario was with another client. The clients were looking in the 400-$500,000 range. I called up to see a 5 bedroom home. It was off the market because the pipes burst. Sure insurance will pay for it. But it is off the market until it is fixed up. A loss of showings, longer on the market means lower offers. Now there will be doubts about mold and other pipes being stressed and possibly leaking in the future. And the people are still paying taxes and mortgage payments on it. One month's mortgage payment would cover the cost of heat bills. These people lost big time, who knows maybe my clients may have loved it and bought it. Now they have to deal with contractors and cleanup instead.
Don't be cheap, turn up the heat!! Check out more tips on selling your home at

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