Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Open your Door and make an impression!

With the Michigan economy and sales in homes down nationwide now is the time to make sure your home is ready to sell. You need to make your home as appealing as possible to help it sell. What does your home really say from the street? Is it impressive? Do people want to come in? Are trees and overgrown shrubs blocking the house? Do you have clutter and junk on the front porch? With the internet people search for homes online first, then do a quick driveby. If they don't like the looks of the house they are not coming back. So if your picture is not good enough to draw people to come and look at your home, then you lose a possible sale. You have to get them inside. Straighten the shutters. Plant some flowers. Put some potted plants around. Trim the shrubs, and green up the grass. Trim up the low lying branches. Put everything away out in front of the house. Cut the grass more often. Edge the lawn. Make sure your picture of your house on the internet is good. Tell your real estate guy to take another picture if necessary.

Tell your neighbors you are going to sell. If you have to, cut their yard too. Nobody likes living next to an unkept house. Pull your weeds, put some fresh ground cover (mulch, stone) down. Do it as if you were going to have a party. Make your home beautiful.

Have a friend come over or ask your realtor what they think about the front of your house. Do what they say. Make your home more desirable from the street. Is your front door painted or varnished nicely? Does the door have finger prints. What do you outside lights look like? Is the caulking falling off? Are your windows clean? How do your shades, blinds, and curtains look from the outside. Does the siding need powerwashing? Borrow a powerwasher from a neighbor. Need to paint some of the wood trim. Do it. How does the front door handle look? does the key turn easily? You don't want somebody not to get it in because there is a trick to turning the key.

Sure that tree might cost $200 to trim or $400 to take down. But it may open up the front of the house.

For more home selling tips go to Russ Ravary Michigan Real Estate. You can search for Livingston County Real Estate, Wayne County Real Estate, Oakland County Real Estate or any county around Metro Detroit real estate
Did you know the city of Novi was not named after the number 6 stop on the railroad? The railroad did not come until 20 years after the city was named. Did you know that Detroit had the first street paved in Concrete?

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