Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring is almost here

Well tomorrow is officially the first day of Spring though you couldn't tell it here in Metro Detroit. Snow, ice and cold the day before spring. Can you believe another winter has flown by. I don't think this year's winter was that bad as compared to most. Plymouth's Ice Festival is a thing of the past and now we can start looking forward to cleaning up the yard so we have time to go out and enjoy the summer once the weather turns nice. Some of the things you need to do soon are: thatch the yard, put the spring fertilizer on, make sure the gutters are cleaned out, and wash the windows. Consistency is the key to a good yard. You know that old retired neighbor that has the beautiful yard. Well he is putting on his fertilizer/weed killer 5 or 6 times a year. Cutting the grass every 6 or 7 days all the time. Trimming the bushes three or more times. We are all so busy. We skip a fertilization here and there. Sometimes it's 10 days to get the grass cut with all the rain. And we're lucky to get the bushes trimmed twice a year after we get through running the kids around. Consistency. Let's get it done so we can head out to the ballpark.
If you are looking for something to do this week. How about going to Hitsville USA where all the big Motown Hits were recorded. Or visit Plymouth Historical Museum or contact your local city and see what historical sites they have right in your home town. There are many sites close by that will give you a background of what went on 50- 100 years before you moved into the city. If you want more ideas of Michigan Things to do by Month or a comprehensive list of all Michigan things to do visit my website at for Wayne County Real Estate and Oakland County Real Estate
You can search Michigan Homes for free and nobody is going to bother you. Just put in your search criteria. May the grass be greener on your side of the fence this year. Russ Ravary

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