Saturday, July 7, 2007

21 low cost tips to improve your curb appeal.Buyers will drive by your house when you don't know. Make your home more appealing all the time. Be ready for that buyer. If they don't like the outside they won't come inside. You have to get them inside to sell the house, so curb appeal is important. Here are some quick and easy tips.
1. Trim bushes and Trees neatly so they don't block windows and cut down on light.
2. Trim lower branches of trees so you can see your home from the street.
3. Buy a new doormat.
4. Put a pot of bright flowers (or a small evergreen in winter) on your porch.
5. Plant annuals in your flower beds
6. Put new doorknobs on your doors.
7. Remove the weeds in the cracks of the driveway and concrete
8. Put a fresh coating on your driveway.
9. Cut and edge the grass more often. Trim around walks and trees.
10. Clean up the yard and remove all the debris
11. Be sure kids put away their toys12. Put a fresh coat of paint on the outside.
13. If anything is leaning or crooked straighten it up (crooked shutter, leaning pool).
14. Buy a new mailbox.
15. Upgrade the outside lighting.
16. Polish or replace your house numbers
17. Clean your gutters.
18. Buy a flowering plant and put it in a window you pass by frequently.
19. Put a seasonal wreath on your door.
20. Put fresh mulch or stones down in the beds and have the beds weeded
21. Put a fresh coat of glossy paint on the front door that will accent the entrance way and coordinate with the rest of the colors on the outside.

By doing all of these tips will improve your chances of getting people inside your Oakland County home, or Wayne County home, Livingston county home. Remember it is work that will pay off in selling your Michigan home! For more tips on selling and tips on buying ( over 50 articles on buying ) go to my website

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