Sunday, July 8, 2007

Are open houses effective?
For years we have held open houses. But did you know that open houses only sell 2% of the houses. It is just another marketing tool. I have been able to convert lookers into buying the house I have held open. Is it luck or just the right buyer? I do not know. I know agents that have held open hundreds of houses and never sold one.

Open houses are held for four reasons:
1.) To advertise the house
2.) To make the seller's happy that the agent is doing something to market the house
3.) To get the agent more buyers and more exposure.
4.) To get the neighbors inside, talk to them, and get them to talk to their friends, neighbors, relatives and co-workers.

I recommend open houses to be done at least once or twice per house. Sometimes only one or two people come through but you never know when it might be "your buyer". So if you have a Wayne county home, Livingston county home, or Oakland county home that you want to list for sale and have an open house email me. For more information on buying a Michigan home or selling a Michigan home go to my website

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