Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Making an offer

Ask for this Instead!!!

So you are ready to put an offer in on a Wayne County home, or any Michigan house for sale. Here is another way to negotiate.Sellers sometimes get stuck on a price in their head. The way to get around it and get a lower bottom line to you is ask in a different way. People sometimes don't think about the extras if it is not showing up as a black and white number. So here is different ideas on how to negotiate.

Here are things to ask for:
1.) Personal Property. Ask for the pool table, ask for furniture, ask for the appliances, ask for the riding mower, or the boat. These are give mees that sellers may say let's just throw it in to sell the house. It's free for you and may save you a few dollars. Especially if you need them.
2) Home Warranty. This help protects you if there is a major repair within the first year. The seller doesn't have to pay for this until closing, so it is no money out of his pocket.
3.) Repairs. If you know of something that needs repaired. Ask for it to be fixed before closing. It will save you the cost and time of having it fixed yourself.
4.) Closing Costs. Did you know that lender allows the seller to pay up to 3% of the purchase price? If you don't have a lot of money this is a great way to get a reduction. You can save your money to buy furniture or things you need when you move in. The seller can pay for the title insurance, appraisal, survey, bank fees and even set up your escrow account. They can even pay for your pre-paid interest. (that is the interest until the first of the month)
5.) Tax pro-rations. This is a great one. The seller paid this months ago and may not even think of getting the pro-rated taxes back from you the buyer. This can add up to several thousand dollars. The seller usually never thinks of this in dollars because he already paid it and it is out of his pocket.

Whether you are buying Livonia real estate, Novi real estate, or Oakland County Home, Livingston County Home, or Washtenaw county home I hope these real estate buyer tips help you get a little lower price for your dream home. Russ Ravary

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