Monday, April 16, 2007

10 tips to sell your home

These are not simple quick fixs, but if you truly want to sell your home quicker and for more money then this is what you need to do. In a buyers market you need to be one of the best homes, ready for anybody to just move in without doing much work. You also have to be priced right.

Here are some tips to help you sell your house.

1) Walls should be neutral colored. Repainting is work but it does help.

2) If you have wall paper on the walls take it down and repaint. People can not get past wallpaper. To 95% of the people it is a negative and work for them.

3) Make the rooms spacious, store furniture at a friends house or in a storage locker. Get rid of the extra chair, the overwhelming wall unit, the family hand me down. Open it up.

4) Closets store the extra stuff you are not using. Make them appear spacious. Open them up.
5) Depersonalize the house. Take down all the family photos
6) If you are a hunter take down the mounts. Store them in boxes. If your wife is into county or southwestern themes. De-countryfi it. You don't want to offend and you want people to picture themselves and their family in your house. They can't do it if it is themed to something they don't like.

7) Odors are one of the top 5 turnoffs for buyers. Smokers. Get rid of the smoke smell. Repaint, clean the carpets, and smoke outside. Estate people. Clean the carpets, repaint. Mildew smells. Fix the leak. Get a disinfect spray that eliminates the odor not just cover it up. Usually takes a couple of cans over 3 or 4 days. Pet owners. Clean up more often see below

8) If you have pets. Vacuum more, clean up the poop more, empty the litter box more. Don't ever let the dog back into the house if he's wet right before a showing. Doggy smell will kill the deal. Get rid of the smell. Get the general disinfect spray that eliminates the odors

9) Clean up the front yard. Put some flowers in pots or hanging baskets on the front porch. Keep the grass mowed and edge and bushes trimmed. Add fresh mulch or spruce up the beds. People do drive bys. Make them want to come in.

10) For showings get a chocolate chip candle. (they sell them in candle shops) Turn all the lights on. Turn every one on. Put pictures of the house in the summer out. Turn the fireplace on. Keep the temperature comfortable.

For more information on selling go to my website Michigan Real Estate or find out what's my home is worth go to

May today be the beginning of a great week for you and your family.

Russ Ravary " your friend and real estate consultant for life"

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