Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Why isn't my home selling?

Why oh why isn't my home selling? There are several reasons why a home does not sell. Price, condition of the home, location are the main three reason homes do not cell. The two other reasons that also contribute to it are the agent and the company you select and the terms you offer. I am going to start with location first.

You can not change the location. The two things you have to do is sell the good points and adjust the price to the location. If you have a cell phone tower in your back yard, your are going to get less money than a home with no cell phone tower.

If you are on a main road you can actually figure your house is worth 8 to 10 % less than a home that is in a subdivision or is on a quiet road.

If your home is close to the shopping center your agent and you have to sell the benefit of being able to walk to the store. Or if you are next to a fire department you sell the benefit of the safety of being next to a fire department. We knew a lady who actually lived by a fire department. When she got locked out they would get into the house for her.

But if your home is in a bad location or has nearby expressways, or commercial buildings lower the price to reflect the negative location. That is all you can do. Unfortunately when people buy new homes in a brand new subdivision they sometimes fail to think about those things. But when it comes to selling that home it is hard to sell and it will sell for less. I'll talk about condition on my next post.
Need more buyer and seller tips go to my website Have a great day.
Russ Ravary

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