Saturday, April 7, 2007

Are you getting the best real estate company?

I sometimes feel sorry for some sellers. They have no clue what we go thru to try to get their house showed. For example I called one agent this week to show a house. I could not get an OK from real estate office,... I had to call the agent. Well I started calling the agent at 10 o'clock in the morning and called her twice more. She finally called me at 9:45 at night to tell me she was out of town and didn't get the message until late. She had no backup or nobody in the office to get us the code to get in. By then I had set up the schedule for 6 other homes. Her seller's home wasn't on the list. But she would be back Monday!!!!!
Another one is when all you get is a voice mail. Some independent agents and independent companies are great. But some all you get is voice mail, or the office is closed on Sunday, or it closes at 5:oo during the week. I have called some independent companies to get into a house and they don't even call back after 2 or 3 times.
The bottom line is: when you are interviewing an real estate agent call the company and find out it's hours. Call the agent, can you reach him? Does it take him a long time to call you back? If so that most likely be the same type of service that he or she is going to give prospective buyers. What happens if it takes a day to get questions answered, or if they can't schedule to get into your home. Buyers are finicky, they have time schedules. They want what they want at their speed, time, and convenience. Not your slow agent's time, or not when that company is closed.
The company you list with should be open past 6 o'clock at night and should be open 7 days a week. They should have the phones manned with a live person, not just voice mail. Unfortunately I can't count how many times I don't get returned calls from company voice mails when I am trying to show their listing. I wish I could send a letter to the seller telling that I tried to get into their house but the agent or company never responded at all or within a day.
In this buyers market you need to have an agent, and their company that responds to you and to us the buyers.

Tell the one you love how much you love them today. Have a great day. Search Michigan Homes free.
Russ Ravary

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