Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What type of home marketing works

What type of home marketing works. Does an ad on the home preview channel work? Does an ad in the Detroit Free Press or local newspaper work? Does an ad in a local home magazine work? Does an open house work?
Do you read the paper to look for a house, do you pick up the local home magazine, how many open houses have you gone into and bought that house? You probably answered no, no, none. Most of those avenues don’t bring big results. Usually one or 2% of the people buy a house that way.
Many people call and buy a house off the sign out front. But again that is not the top way people find and buy a home. Most buyers have an agent or look themselves in the Multi Listing Service (MLS) or online. When your realtor or agent signs you to an exclusive right to sell contract you get put on the MLS.(In the Metro Detroit Area)
In Metro Detroit area you then automatically get your home put on and Your agent should be putting you on their website and the company website also.
But what is great about the MLS is that you now have thousands of Realtors working for you. Let say you want to buy a home in Livonia, Michigan with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage, 1800 square feet, and 2 car garage. Your realtor puts that into the computer and every home in Livonia with those specifications pops up.
That realtor could be on the other side of Detroit in her pajamas checking for her client. She simply clicks on the ones she thinks you will be interested in and emails them to you. The MLS is one of the great bonuses of the computer age. The availability of having your home information available to thousands of agents and potential clients day or night is a major factor in getting your home sold. Your agent basically has enlisted every agent in the area to help sell your home. Now it is important to get them in the door. To Search Michigan homes go to my website
For all of you that have had a rough day today, may the kindness of a loved one ease your worries and give you strength to tackle tomorrow with renewed vigor.
Russ Ravary

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