Sunday, April 1, 2007

Do you trust your realtor?

That's the question of the day. Do you trust your Realtor? If you don't then you need to get a new one. Most of them are not out to just sell a home or just make money off of you. Many of them have your best interest in mind. What I mean by that is that if they tell you you should do certain things to get your house ready to sell then you should make every effort to do that. You should trust them. They are constantly reading and learning on what sells homes. They have the experience. They take continuing education every year. They listen and hear stories from their fellow realtors all the time. They have their fellow realtors knowledge to fall back on and ask questions to. One office sometimes has 50 agents with a thousand years of experience and thousands of home sold. That is what you are getting with a good realtor.
The Detroit Housing Market is very slow, so the homeowners need to have their home priced right for the condition it is in. Or they need to be one of the best condition home. It needs to sparkle, needs to appear spacious, needs to be ready for the new home owner to move in right away.
The example I have is I have a homeowner that is a big time hunter and a wife that loves pinks, peaches, wallpaper, and flowers. It was a nicely decorated home with lots of flowered wallpaper and trophy mounts. Well as all of you know when a buyer walks into a home that want to picture themselves in the home. When you see wallpaper, buyers think of all the work they need to do. Or they can't even picture themselves in the house because of the bright blue velvet and metallic silver wallpaper (different house). I have been in beautiful houses and then walk into the kitchen and here is this overwhelming bright vegatable wallpaper. The buyer hated it and could not get past the wallpaper. The house was out of the running just because of wallpaper. So take down the wallpaper and paint it a neutral color.
People sometimes can't get past the trophy on the walls. they shudder. They want out of the house. So pack up the trophies.
I told my clients they needed to take down the wallpaper in 6 different rooms, I told them to pack up all the heads. I told them what pieces of furniture to store at somebody else's house. I told them take down some dark flowered drapes and put up some sheer curtains. I went thru the house and told them what I thought. The wife didn't totally like what I said, but they did it. She hated the brightness of the house now, her feelings were a little hurt by some of my suggestions. (Nobody likes to hear that their decorating needs to change)
The bottom line is that we got lucky and got an offer in 7 days on the house. It was now one of the nicest homes of all the Livonia Real Estate that the buyer saw.

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